6 of the Best eCommerce Landing Page Examples (+Free Swipe File)

So, you want to increase your conversions. And you've decided that an e-commerce landing page is the best way to go about it. But you need some landing page inspo to get your creative juices flowing, right?

Well, the good news is you're in the best place. In this post, we'll cover:

  • What an e-commerce landing page is
  • The difference between landing pages vs. product pages
  • The best practices for building an ecommerce landing page
  • Six e-commerce landing page examples (and what they can teach you)
  • How to optimize your ecommerce landing page for maximum conversions

Plus, if you stick around till the end, you'll get a FREE eCommerce landing page swipe file containing 10+ awesome landing pages to inspire your next design.

Sounds good? Let's not beat around the bush!

What is an eCommerce Landing Page?

An eCommerce landing page is a single page on your store that has one goal: to convince a targeted portion of your audience to buy your product.

They’re called landing pages because customers ‘land’ on them after they’ve clicked the link in your ad or email.

Why do you need a landing page? Well, Unbounce showed that landing pages have an eye-watering average conversion rate of 9.7%

Landing pages are typically composed of several elements and sections: a headline, a USP, a product description, customer reviews, product photography, a clear CTA, and more.

Now, if you’ve been in eCom for a while, you’ll know that description sounds a lot like a product page. And you're not wrong. So, let’s quickly outline the differences between the two.

Landing Pages vs. Product Pages

The good news is, as an eCommerce brand, you already have experience with a type of landing page: your product pages.

But while there are many similarities between landing pages and product pages, there’s a couple of crucial differences too.

To conceptualize the differences, think of product pages like swiss army knives - they’re a multi-purpose tool for catching the attention of a mixed batch of casual browsers.

Landing pages, on the other hand, are more like a bread knife. What I mean is they’re designed for one job: to help a specific audience segment complete one specific action. As a result of this specificity, landing pages tend to do their job really well.

So, while product pages are used to attract visitors at the top and mid-levels of the sales funnel, landing pages are typically used to drive conversions for bottom-of-the-funnel shoppers.

✌️ Side note: It’s possible to use landing pages at all stages of your ecom sales funnel. For example, you could create a landing page to capture emails for top-of-the-funnel shoppers. or to offer loyal customers a special reward. But for this article, I’m going to focus on landing pages that are specifically selling products to bottom-of the funnel shoppers as that’s the most common use of landing pages in eCommerce.

eCommerce Landing Page Best Practices

To convert shoppers on your landing page, you’ll need to push the right buttons to make them feel comfortable with buying.

Although every landing page will be different, there’s several common elements that successful brands are using to send their conversions through the roof.

Here’s the strategies you’ll see on the best eCommerce landing pages time and time again:

  • Beautiful landing page design
  • A single offer aimed at one buyer persona
  • Emphasizing benefits over features
  • Including social proof
  • Adding a compelling CTA
  • Minimizing distractions
  • Writing sharp, clever copy

So, with that in mind, et’s look at some real-world product landing pages and learn how you can optimize your eCommerce landing pages too.

6 of the Best eCommerce Landing Page Examples

1. Winc - A Lesson in eCommerce Landing Page Design

How you design your landing page can make or break its ability to convert shoppers.

Reason being: even though we're told not to judge a book by its cover, most of us still do.

For example, let's say you get a hankering to go on a cruise. While scrolling Facebook, you see an ad from a travel agent. You click through, and then BAM, you land here:

Bad landing page example

If looking at that induced an unwelcome sense of anxiety, we're sorry. But don't worry.

Just cast your eye upon wine subscription company Winc's landing page and feel your frustrations melt away.

a landing page for ecommerce

What we can learn from Winc is that you need to embrace the idea of 'white space' when designing your Shopify landing page.

White space is a term used by designers to describe when they deliberately leave an empty area on a website. Such space is the antidote to visual suffocation. A welcome respite amid the unrelenting torrent of modern-day visual stimulation.

Many designers worry that white space is an inefficient use of valuable landing page real estate, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Leaving large areas of your landing page uncluttered provides room for the more important elements such as your headline and your CTA to breathe and come to the fore.

Good ecommerce landing page design

But white space isn't the only thing responsible for Winc's beautiful landing page. They've also incorporated eye-catching graphics and an appealing color scheme that's congruent with their brand.

Specifically, notice how they use high-contrast colors to make both their text and CTAs pop off the page. This makes it easy for people to understand Winc's message and take action to get started.

💡 Pro Tip: Use Adobe Color to test various color combinations & create a working palette for your landing page. Design not your forte? No worries, Shopify Apps can help. Check out Gempages or Shogun - both have lots of templates to get you up and running.

Another really cool element of Winc's landing page is that they've designed an interactive quiz for shoppers.  This allows them to do four things:

  • Personalize the shopping experience
  • Get customer buy-in early on
  • Capture emails for future campaigns
  • Deliver the most suitable products to their customers

Obviously, this kind of quiz won't be relevant for every store. But think about other ways you can sprinkle personalization into your customer's experience.

The final aspect of landing page design that Winc nailed is mobile optimization.

It's no secret that the majority of website traffic is now coming via mobile devices.

This means that creating a mobile experience with snappy loading times and responsive elements has never been more critical.

🔑Key Takeaway: When designing your landing pages, less is often more. Remember to reduce visual clutter, incorporate custom graphics, use a high-contrast color scheme, and always optimize for mobile devices.

2. The Farmer's Dog - The Importance of Social Proof

Most of us have been stung by a poor online shopping experience at some stage. So, when it comes to trying a new company, many of us are understandably a little wary.

But savvy marketers know that the quickest way to quell such conversion-hampering feelings is with the seductive balm of social proof.

And few eCommerce landing pages use social proof better than pet-food retailer The Farmer's Dog.

Immediately when you land on the page, big-name reviews are visible above the fold. Heavyweights like Fast Company, Vogue, and CBS News convey instantly that this company must be reputable.

But the social proof doesn't stop there. As you scroll down the page, you arrive at testimonials from other customers:

These types of reviews are absolutely killer when it comes to conversions because they're uber-relatable. Intuitively, you'd think strangers on the web wouldn't have much influence over us, but in fact, research shows that:

70% of people will trust a recommendation from someone they don’t even know.

🔑Key Takeaway: Slather positive social proof on your landing page. Customer testimonials, press reviews, expert opinions, celebrity endorsements, etc. will help convince customers that you're the eCommerce store for them.

3. Quip - The need for punchy copy

product landing pages

Right off the bat, you'll see that dental care brand Quip is leveraging the last two landing page elements we discussed - a killer design coupled with social proof. But where their landing page really excels is the way they've crafted their copy.

There's many elements they've aced here:

a) A Cracking Main Headline

The first thing to notice is their benefit-led headline. Headlines are arguably one of the most important elements of your landing page. It's the first thing potential customers read, and it's your best chance to hook them and get them scrolling down your page.

As veteran adman David Ogilvy famously said:

David Ogilvy Quote
“Five times as many people read the headline as the body copy. When you’ve written your headline, you’ve spent 80 cents of your dollar.”

In general, your headline should be punchy, speak directly to your visitors, and outline your USP.

Not sure where to start? Get inspired by Quip's five-word USP: 'Better Oral Health, Made Simple.'

b) A Helpful Secondary Headline

Since your headline needs to be brief, feel free to use a sub-heading to add a dash of extra info. Don't go mad, though. Just like the headline, brevity is critical here. Generally, one of two approaches works best:

  • Expand on your headline: Quip does this with 'Guide a lifetime of good habits, with electric toothbrushes, reliable floss & more for the whole family.'
  • Convey a secondary persuasive message: This needs to be related to the main headline but can offer an additional benefit or value.

💡 Pro Tip: Not sure if your headline is compelling? Use CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer to see how it stacks up. Shoot for a score of 70+, and you're in business.

c) Simple Body Copy

Once your headline is out of the way, it's time to move onto the body copy of your landing page. Here's how Quip does it:

Your body copy goes 'beneath the fold.' Here you can include a section about your mission and company values like Quip does- a great tactic to help visitors connect more deeply with your brand.

Additionally, this is where you outline the key benefits of your product. You want to make it as clear as possible how your product will improve your customer's life.

Keep your sentences short, add images to convey meaning, and make your copy scannable by breaking it up into subheadings and bullet points.

💡Pro Tip: Not sure how to write copy that converts? Copy-guru Neville Medhora has written a nifty free e-book that'll show you the ropes.

🔑Key Takeaway: People buy feelings, not product features. Use benefit-driven copy in your headline, sub-heading, and body text that speaks to your customer's pain points.

4. Trade Coffee - The power of a Clear CTA

Best ecommerce landing pages

As we touched on earlier, one thing that makes landing pages so good at converting shoppers into customers is that they've only got one job to do: drive customers towards a single conversion goal.

And the element that represents that conversion goal is your call to action button.

Coffee subscription company Trade totally knows this. Just take a second to scroll up and look at their landing page if you haven't already.

What did you notice?

The most eye-catching elements are their CTA buttons, right? Their goal with this page is to drive visitors towards their coffee quiz and by golly, do their buttons make it easy to do that.

Compare their landing page to this sub-par landing page for Delta Airline's Skymiles rewards program:

Seriously, if you rocked up ready to become a member, you'd almost certainly be left wondering, 'Am I even on the right page?'

No clear above-the-fold CTA? No headline? An odd stock image of a woman relaxing by a lagoon? You can bet your bottom dollar that this page ain't converting well.

To be more like Trade and less like Delta, here's some tips for a killer CTA:

  • Make your CTA visible. Place it above the fold, use high contrast colors, and use ample white space to make it stand out.
  • Pass on bland language like 'Submit' or 'Click here.' Instead, opt for a conversational tone and let visitors know what lies behind their click. 'Get Matched,' 'Start My Free Trial,' 'Claim My Discount' and 'Buy Now' are excellent examples.
  • Chop forms down to size. Get more conversions by collecting only essential information from visitors with an unintimidating form length.

🔑Key Takeaway: Make it crystal clear what you want site visitors to do with a compelling CTA. Ensure it's visible both above the fold and 2-3 more times further down the landing page.

5. Barkbox Bright - A lesson in removing distractions

Ecommerce landing page example

According to Microsoft, humans now have an attention span lower than that of a goldfish. So if you've made it this far in the article, you're an anomaly!

But what that means for your landing page is:

You've got to remove any elements that could pull your visitor's attention away from the task at hand.

Doggy dental brand BarkBright has this down to a tee. Notice how their landing page:

  • Uses a clear visual hierarchy which guides you down the page
  • Hides site navigation buttons, so users aren't tempted to click away
  • Has just one conversion goal (no email sign-ups or related offers)
  • Uses a few relevant, high-quality images & visuals
  • Don't use moving graphics or images

These steps can help hold your visitor's focus and get them across the line before their mind wanders.

To reach such levels of distraction-free wonder for your own landing page, ask the following question:

What can I remove without compromising performance?

Editing out non-essential elements, like distracting pop-ups or wordy blocks of text, will keep visitors on track for conversion.

🔑Key Takeaway: Attention is the gateway to your customer's wallet. Design your landing page with minimal distractions to maximize conversions. Remember, one landing page = one goal.

💡Pro Tip: BarkBright also uses a video on their landing page - a tactic shown to boost your conversion rate by up to 86% in some studies. Consider using video in your landing pages too.

6. Beachly - The need for buyer personas

Ecommerce landing page example

You likely communicate with your best friend in a different way than you do with your mother.

And in a similar vein, the way you communicate with different customers via your landing page is paramount to your ability to convert them.  

Often, new eCommerce stores don't have a clear picture of who their selling to. As a result, their landing page message gets diluted. They try to appeal to a wide variety of customers. That's a problem because, as Meredith hill says:

“When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one.”

The remedy is to create buyer personas. Buyer personas help you craft more compelling and relevant landing pages by designing them with just one customer in mind.

💡Pro Tip: Not sure who your ideal customer is? No problem, use Hubspot's free buyer persona tool to create personas in a couple of clicks.

Subscription box company Beachly gets this concept. Notice how their landing page is crafted to appeal to one particular type of shopper.

Everything from the copy to the color palette, the images, the CTA, and even the charitable cause they support are carefully selected to entice their ideal buyer.

But hold up. Doesn't that mean you'll be cutting out lots of potential customers who might be interested in your product? I mean, wouldn't lots of men be put off by the predominantly pink landing page?

Beachly has the answer:

Absolutely not. You can (and should) design multiple landing pages to appeal to different buyer personas.

Notice how Beachly has adjusted the images, copy, color scheme, and even modified their logo to appear more masculine on the men's version of their landing page.

Having a dialed-in buyer persona like this lets you personalize your landing page's message and connect with your shoppers on a deeper level.

Plus, it'll improve just about every other aspect of your marketing too, from creating Facebook ads to writing abandoned cart emails.

🔑Key Takeaway: No matter what you're selling, always keep your buyer persona front-of-mind when creating an eCommerce landing page. That way, your message will hit the mark, and you'll see your conversions go through the roof.

Bonus: The Art of the Post-Purchase Landing Page

We've talked a lot about landing pages that turn traffic into buyers. But what about once those people have bought? Is there any way to get them to convert again?

That's the purpose of the post-conversion landing page; to follow-up on the main offer presented on your landing page.

Your conversion goal here could be to collect additional information about customers (e.g., birthdays, feedback), encourage them to follow you on social or upsell or cross-sell them with another offer.

Post purchase landing page example

Whatever you want to achieve, the post-purchase landing page presents a unique opportunity to strike while the iron is hot.

Customers have already converted, and with the right offer, there's no reason they won't do it again. A great post-purchase landing page has the power to multiply the effort you put into your main landing page.

💡Pro Tip: If you're a Shopify merchant, you can quickly transform your thank-you page into a post-conversion upsell page using our ReConvert app.

Ecommerce Landing Page Optimization

Implementing the best practices outlined thus far will go a long way towards creating a high-converting landing page.

But what if you want to go a step further? What if you want to make sure that you're squeezing every last drop of revenue from your landing pages? Well, that's where landing page optimization comes in.

As with most things in digital marketing, improving your landing page's performance comes down to one just thing: testing.

For landing pages, A/B testing is the most common way to optimize for conversions. In a nutshell, A/B testing means you'll split inbound visitors between your original landing page and other variations of that page.

Source: Unbounce

By examining how visitors respond to each version of your page, you can determine which page drives the most conversions.

You can split-test just about anything, but some of the most common are:

  • Headline & sub-heading
  • Call to action
  • Images vs. video
  • Page copy
  • The offer
  • Landing page layout & design

💡Pro Tip: Use Google Optimize to run free A/B tests for your landing pages.

Running A/B tests means you won't leave your landing page success to chance. Testing your pages allows you to make data-informed decisions that'll bring higher conversions and more profit.

Go Forth & Build The Best Ecommerce Landing Pages!

And that's a wrap! Building a winning landing page isn't exactly a walk in the park. But hopefully, by now, you understand that it's totally worth the effort.

Because great landing pages have the power to dramatically improve your store's conversion rate and drive real growth for your business.

To recap, here's what we've learned from the landing page examples in this post:

  • Wine-subscription business Winc taught us that when it comes to landing page design, less is often more.
  • Pet food business The Farmer's Dog showed us that social proof is an essential ingredient for landing page success.
  • Dental care brand Quip taught us about the need for a great headline, punchy copy, and to write in a way that appeals to our customer's emotions.
  • Coffee subscription business Trade showed us the importance of making our CTA pop.
  • Doggy brand Barkbox Bright reminded us to remove distractions and have just one conversion goal per landing page.
  • Lifestyle brand Beachly showed us how to create landing pages with our ideal buyer in mind.

And now, over to you! Are you currently using landing pages in your e-commerce store? What's been your experience with them? If you haven't started using landing pages, what barriers are stopping you? Let us know in the comments below!

Oh, and don't forget to claim your free swipe file! 👇

🔥Bonus: Free Ecommerce Landing Page Swipe File

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